Consider… Sky Sunday invites us to an image of a world in which we are alone, where beauty is destroyed, and God’s good Creation is undone. Perhaps this image can startle us from complacency and calls us to take seriously the reality and danger of climate change.
This week, what would it mean for us to shine like stars as is written in Philippians? Prayerfully consider how your role on this planet might shift if you were to shine more brightly! Take time to look at the stars, to bask in the sun for a few moments, to notice the clouds moving across the sky as you consider this.
Pray Creator God,
you desire to be in relationship with us,
and for us to be awestruck by your beauty.
May our attention move
upward and outward
to notice you and your handiwork
in the sky,
in the stars,
and in the warmth of the sun.
May we be reminded
that you delight in all of creation
and speak beyond words.
Guide us to respond
and to be claimed by wonder,
to you
and to each other.