Here at UCUC there is no formal belief statement that you must sign to be engaged in the life of the church. Instead, we invite your faith journey to join with those gathered here as we learn and grow together. That said, we are guided by a few things:
UCUC Mission Statement – a statement that shapes and guides our ministry life together
UCUC is a friendly, progressive Christian church with a focus on faith, love and ministry,
where all are welcome and everyone’s search for a personal spiritual path is honored and valued.
UCUC Open and Affirming Statement – a statement that shapes and guides the welcome we offer to EVERYONE (and we mean everyone)
Inspired by the example set by Jesus Christ, we, the University City United Church, United Church of Christ, declare ourselves Open and Affirming. As an Open and Affirming congregation, University City United Church welcomes people of every faith background, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, nationality, military status, family structure, marital status, age, economic circumstance, and physical or mental ability. Our communion table is open to all. We offer a safe and spiritual home where relationships based on love and respect may flourish. We invite everyone to participate fully in the life of our church which includes not only worship but also membership, leadership and employment. In making these affirmations, we celebrate the richness of diversity, together seeking to live as a family of God.
We are part of the denomination – The United Church of Christ.
Click here to find out: Reasons to be excited about belonging to a United Church of Christ congregation