Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. After that, you are welcome to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
In John 14:15-21, Jesus introduces the idea of the “Holy Spirit” – a force that will accompany disciples on their faith journeys. We are reminded that the indwelling love of God and the Spirit’s enduring presence is with us. We are never alone and never abandoned.
Keep your eyes open this week to where love is needed. Notice the people around you that you don’t usually notice. Pay attention even to what has been discarded and forgotten. As careful as you are to notice those hurting and lonely around you, try to be equally aware of when love is offered to you.
Use these questions to support your growing awareness. – What feels most loving? – When do you feel seen?
Pray…Holy God, lift our gaze and open our hearts, that we might see your love all around. May your abiding presence encourage us to love more. Amen.