Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
Wonder… Spend some time considering this verse: “The whole creation waits breathless with anticipation for the revelation of God’s [children]” (Romans 8:19) What might it mean to wait with anticipation?
What might happen if we live as though the possibility painted in Isaiah were imminent and the reality of abundance displayed in John was true? This week, consider what our church can do to be better stewards of our natural resources. What groups or committees can you help to make ecological changes?
Pray… Holy God, help me to take small, important steps to love and protect your planet. Amen.
Adapted from A Holy Ground: six-week Creation Care Worship Series from Church in the Wild by Rev. Corey Turnpenny, 2022 at Church in the Wild, Windsor, NY