Thoughtful Tuesday
Focus Scriptures (click on the scripture to read)
Exodus 32:1-14


We gather around readings that center around conflict
between fear and bold faith and consider when we,
like the people who assembled around the golden calf,
miss the mark.

Seeking a god that was tangible and conrete,
the people of Israel built a golden calf.

There are times today when we feel alone
and in need of a physical presence to guide, comfort, and accompany us.
However, it’s easy to focus on a realtionship,
an event, or the latest fad or gadget
instead of focusing on God. 

This week, avoid unnecessary purchases and donate the money you save. 

God of freedom,
your invitation to a life of liberation
never ceases.
You call us to give faitful witness
to your love, justice, and freedom.
May we be steadfast in faith,
and our lives and community
marked by our thanksgiving and joy.