Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
Wonder … Just when we think we understand what is going on, a curveball comes flying in. We think we know who are the people chosen to proclaim God’s message – and often we think it’s people like us! And then God challenges us to broaden our understanding.Take a closer look at this story:Acts 9:1-20Paul was once a great enemy of hte early church,and God called him to become one of the leading apostles.When have you been suprirsed at God’s ways of doing things?

PrayLoving God,dare we have the chanceto offer forgiveness.Dare we findthat gospel moment that bringsnew life to those who have hurt others.Dare we offer justiceto those who have been unjust to usand find you with us as we build communitiesof justice and grace.Amen

Adapted from Copyright © Wood Lake Publishing Inc. 2021
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