Thoughtful Tuesday
Preparing for Worship
Sunday March 8th at 10:30 am
Focus Scripture
click on scripture to read the text

Mark 5:25-34

Chronic illness can really take its toll on someone.
Even a short term illness has a way of knocking us down,
both physically and mentally.
And sometimes, we’re not the one ill.
We’re the caregiver.

In these situations, sometimes, we recover.
Sometimes, we don’t.
Where is God in the midst of this?
Does healing really happen?

This Lent, we’ll be looking at a variety of ways that we as humans suffer.
And through it all, we’ll remember that
suffering is never the end of the story.
Together, we’ll remember that we are not alone.
Together, we’ll remember that God is with us.

REFLECT on a loved one
you’ve watched struggle with a long lasting illness.
How did you witness healing? 

Thank you God
for being with me,
today and always.
Thank you for being with me
when I am laughing,
when I am crying,
when I am in pain,
when I am experiencing delight.
Help me to remember this truth always,
but especially in the bleakest of moments.