Thoughtful Tuesday
Preparing for Worship
Sunday January 19th at 10:30 am
Focus Scriptures
click on scripture to read the text
Isaiah 49:1-7

In this Season After Epiphany, we will be exploring God’s call to us.
The prophet Isaiah is called by God to proclaim the restoration of Israel.
During this time, the exiled people of Judah are defeated, depressed, and waiting for a better tomorrow. The prophet shares God’s message of reassurance and reaffirmation that not only will their lives be restored – they will be a “light to all nations.” God’s vision is more than we can understand on our own.

Think of someone who needs a message of encouragement or reassurance.
Make personal contact and let them know they are being remembered.

Faithful God,
you call, claim, and send
believers into the world
with your 
radiant love.
Help us to live
as ones who are being
called, claimed, and sent
with your blessing,
journeying to the places and spaces
where we are called to share our light
and your love.