Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
Now, before reading the scripture for this coming Sunday, you are invited to recall your own baptism. Do you know any details? Do you remember it or just remember stories about it? How about baptisms you’ve witnessed? What stands out?
Wonder… Each year, as we begin the Season after Epiphany, we rejoice that God’s word continues to hold promise and power in our lives, calling each of us by name through living waters.
In our scripture for Sunday, Luke tells readers that the voice of God spoke from the clouds at Jesus’ baptism and identifies Jesus as the “Beloved”. God still speaks in lives today, speaking words of love and promise to all who are baptized, offering identity and belonging. God’s voice (perhaps less “voice” and more feeling/nudge/etc.) also speaks to us in prayer, in ritual and tradition, in loving actions, in those who thirst for justice. How and where do you hear God’s voice in your life?
Pray Holy Spirit, call us with tender words of mercy that remind us we belong to you. Holy God, embrace us with your love and help us to know that you call us Beloved! Amen.