The story of Jesus’ baptism is read each year on the Sunday after Epiphany. Take some time to read these scriptures:Isaiah 42:1-9 and Matthew 3:13–17
For many believers, Jesus’ baptism is an important touchstone, a place where we can connect with Jesus both as a human immersed in the waters of this world and as a beloved child of God. It’s near impossible not to recall the babies that have been paraded down the aisle of the congregation full of beloved blessing or the moment in which we first took this bold step of faith ourselves.
Wonder …
- What memories do you have of Baptism – your own or one you have witnessed?
- Who in your church or community needs to hear how beloved they are by God?
- How can that message be proclaimed in a way that they can truly experience it and know that they are God’s delight?
Pray…God of every epiphany, help us to remember that we begin every journey drenched in your love. Our identity, being, and calling begins (and ends and begins again) with you. Amen.