Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
Image: View of (foreground) the Statue of Visitation, and (background) the wall featuring the words of the Magnificat in many languages, at the Church of the Vistitation in Jerusalem. Taken by Bahnfrend
The story of Mary is quite the story. An angel appears and she is told she is going to have a baby. After coming to terms with pregnancy, Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and we are allowed a glimpse into her inner thoughts. The Magnificat as it’s called. Mary’s song. It’s not just a song about having a baby, but rather it’s much bigger than that.
Mary’s song is one of power and bold proclamation. She uses her voice to praise God and to call us to pay closer attention to what God is calling us to do and who God wants us to love and care for. In singing about the oppressed, Mary’s song reminds us today that there are still systems of oppression and places where we can be God’s voice.
Wonder …
Consider what steps you might take this week to step out as a prophet for justice and liberation.
God of Justice,
help us hear Mary’s song
as a song for us today.
May we sing it loudly and boldly
as we seek your justice and peace.