Focus Scriptures (click on the scripture to read) Exodus 1:8—2:10Consider…
A story of cunning midwives, a courageous mother, a vigilant sister, and a compassionate princess challenges us to consider what it means to be cunning in the service of God’s justice and liberation, and where we are called to be vigilant in compassion and courage.
Cunning, compassionate, courageous women come to the defense of the most vulnerable and take action.
This week, how might you take action for the children in your life? Perhaps it’s a child or grandchild, niece or nephew, or a child living down the street. Whoever it is, consider finding a way to celebrate these children in your life. Take a moment to write them a letter encouraging them as a new school year is upon us. Call/video chat with them and read with them. Whatever it is, find ways to connect!
God of liberation and freedom, we thank you for the people we have known whose courage reminds us that your compassion is present and at work in our world. Following their lead, may we resist systems and practices of domination, conforming only to the spirit of your justice. Amen.