Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
On Reformation Day, the church honors Martin Luther and other reformers of the sixteenth century, and reformers of every age. Luther’s teachings focused on the promises of scripture, emphasizing that the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to speak God’s word to us, and that we receive God’s grace through our faith in Christ. This is the truth that makes us free. Our life in the Body of Christ is shaped by this gift of freedom.
Wonder … Scripture calls us to live with God’s law on our hearts, to let our faith determine how we act. What in the church today needs to be reformed by God’s grace? What might you and our church do differently through the reforming, restoring power of the Holy Spirit?
Pray… Gracious God, write your law on our hearts and let your word of grace dwell in us so that no matter where we are, we may know we are forgiven and free. Amen.