Consider… On Fauna and Flora Sunday, our eyes are opened to see ourselves as a part of God’s created world, as part of the fauna, dependent on the flora, of this amazing thing we call the world; and we consider the consequences when we step into God’s way.
“You cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plats for people to use, to bring forth food from the earth.” (Psalm 104:14)
The readings for the Season of Creation invite us into a relationship with the natural elements that surround us. We have an intimate relationship with the plans and animals that feed and nourish us. Our food comes from all parts of creation. We depend on creation to keep us alive. When we grow, harvest, and consume responsibly, we are caring for Creation and preserving the balance of nature for the generations that follow us.
Buy locally raised ingredients, make a meal, and invite your friends to share it with you.
Pray Gracious God of all creation,
we find you present in the vast
and astonishing world around us.
Yet too often we take you for granted,
we assume we have every right to exploit Earth at any cost,
and we care far too little for your great work.
Guide us to a deep sense of appreciation
for what you, our loving Creator,
have done for us,
for we are, ourselves, a part of your creation. Amen.