Consider… We take for granted God’s divine wisdom in creation – elements of creation that work perfectly together to sustain all of life. Moreover, to have a Sunday set aside to recognize God’s presence in the cosmos may seem a bit redundant. After all, isn’t God everywhere?
Yet too often we want to confine God to simple places, to place God in a box, or leave God in a church building, or assume that God is only present on mountaintops. This day invites us to stretch our understandings beyond the wildest of imaginings, and find God present in the tiniest insect and the greatest mountains, and all things in between.
Go outside for lunch, take a walk in nature in the morning or evening, take your book or newspaper outdoors, or gaze up at the moon for a few moments before bed.
Pray God, Creator of the cosmos,
all your creation seeks to praise you.
From the highest heavens,
through the depths of the ocean,
and all in between
we recognize that you, our Creator,
are the source of all goodness and hope.
Scripture calls all creation to praise you,
and we pause to recognize the amazing power
of a tree, a mountain,
women and men, old and young,
all singing your praises.
Hear us, loving God:
You are good.