Today we begin our Lenten journey. If you were not able to pick up your Lent at Home supplies on Sunday, please email Catherine ( and she can email you a PDF of the Lent devotion guide! Today, set up your worship space. It can be a nook, it can be a room, it can be a folder you open at your dining table. Whatever it is, create a space for this season!
Today, join in supper conversation at 5:30 pm (click the above image to join!)
and plan to join worship at 6:30 (same link!) Meeting ID: 864 7985 3678
Passcode: 393343
Pray Lead me from the dust of death, O God,
in your mercy and grace.
Clean my heart with your refiners fire,
and put a willing spirit within me,
for I cannot endure this journey alone.
Bless me with discernment and wisdom
and anoint me with patience and perseverance
as I travel with Christ
on the road to the cross.
“I have set my bow in the clouds,
and it shall be a sign of covenant between me and the earth”
(Genesis 9:13)
Nature is full of promise – rainbows amid clouds promise the sun has emerged,
buds promise new life, every morning is full of the promise of new beginnings. Imagine yourself surrounded by promise and look for signs of it in the world around you.