Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.
Last week you read about Mary. This week, it’s the story of Joseph. Spend some time with this scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
The story of Joseph is quite the story. An angel appears and he comes to terms that Mary is going to have a baby. But, it’s not clear that Joseph is as excited about Christmas as we might be.
This last Sunday before Christmas finds us anxious and excited. Adults may be wondering about the details of celebrations, while children are growing more excited for Christmas morning. This week, we remember the good news that came to Joseph in a dream. We see how God is present with us in our everyday lives as we consider the ordinary ways we see God every day. We also contemplate how much names matter and how much our names matter to us. Does the origin of Jesus’ name as “God with us” change how we worship the Christ?
Wonder … This week,find a time each day to repeat “God is with me” to yourself.
Pray… O come, O come, Emmanuel. In these waning days of Advent, grant us the patience to seek you. Free us from our fears, and give us the strength to give names to things that matter. In these waning days of Advent, may our minds turn towards Christ as we prepare for his birth. Amen.