Thoughtful Tuesday
Preparing for Worship
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Focus Scripture
click on scripture to read the text
Colossians 1:15-20
Luke 1:68-79

This is the last day of the Church year and it offers us an opportunity to proclaim God’s way and Christ’s reign, a reign that transcends all, holds all together and binds us by grace.

Christ holds all things together – a way for God to also hold close to us. We sometimes have a hard time imagining the complete glory of the Reign of Christ, for God’s ways are grander than we can imagine. That said, we can know that through Christ, we can come to learn more about God’s wisdom and what we need to do to become the loving church community that God wants us to be.

This week, make a list and add to it each day the ways in which you can see God at work in the world around you.


Holy God,
you are the Healer of our hearts,
the Shepherd of our souls,
the Source of our lives,
and the eternal Rhythm of creation.
And yet our world competes for our attention.
The world continually asks for us
to recognize it as the powerful one.
Open our eyes to see how the grace and love of your reign
is the grace and love which gives truly abundant life
and is that to which we should aspire.

What to bring:— an object that represents something for which you are grateful

— a side dish that is something you and your family enjoy eating (main meat and dessert will be provided), perhaps a dish with a family story!

— your gifts for the Mental Health Hospital of San Diego, a 46 year tradition (toiletries for the patients, or small items such as notepads, cards, etc. that can be used as gifts patients can give away) Put your items in a colorful bag, please do not wrap.

— your 2nd Mile offering (an extra gift above and beyond your usual pledge that allows UCUC to go even further with our mission giving and ministry!