Thoughtful Tuesday
Focus Scriptures (click on the scripture to read)
2 Kings 2:1-12
Mark 9:2-9


We sit with Peter, James, and John on a mountain as they experience an awesome sight in Jesus’ life, and told of an ever greater miracle to come.
Try as we might to explain it, some experiences are bigger than words.

This week, spend some time just reading and rereading the scriptures. Do some looking for art that depicts these stories. Ponder a time when you saw/felt/knew God in a way that was beyond words.

We hear of your divine voice,
transforming God,
and hope for a new
and deeper understanding
of the ministries
to which you call us.
As we inherit the mantle of ministry
from those who have preceded us,
may we experience a broader understanding
of what it means to be
disciples of the Christ.

Based on “Seasons of the Spirit” © 2021