Thoughtful Tuesday
Preparing for Worship
Lent 2 – March 17, 2019
Scriptures: Psalm 27 & Luke 13:31-35

Life is filled with obstacles.
You know that. I know that.
Even Jesus knew that.
As he spent time preaching, teaching and healing,
he encountered opposition from the
religious AND political leaders of the day.
But, in the face of those obstacles,
Jesus reminds us that God gathers us under her wings
and provides comfort and protection.

As we move through Lent,
we can trust God in our weakest moments.
At times, when our journey seems too difficult,
we wonder if we can go on.
What words and rituals do you hold on to
that enable you to overcome your obstacles
and keep on the journey of faith?


We come to you, O God,
often wondering about the
fulfillment of promises that seems to take so long.
But even in our questioning,
we come to you in trust.
We trust that you will bring good to us and all.
Help us to build our lives on your promises. Amen.