Scripture (click on the scripture to read)
Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Job’s suffering remains an unanswered mystery, but Job moves forward. Twice Job quotes God’s words, and twice Job’s reply makes clear that he has gone to the heart of their meaning. It is not that Job did not possess faith before, as the opening verse of this book makes clear. Job’s encounter with God enables his faith to move from the realm of hearsay to eyewitness, and Job moves forward in faith.

This week, consider what you believed about God when you were 5. Then consider what you believed when you were 15. How about 10 years ago? How about today? Consider how your faith has moved forward over the years.

Pray God,
when others cry out,
help us to stand still,
and not turn them away.
When we cry out to you,
please help us to listen then, too,
and rejoice in the answers you give.

Adapted from Seasons of the Spirit © 2020 Wood Lake Publishing Inc.
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