Thoughtful Tuesday
Focus Scriptures (click on the scripture to read)
Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, `12-20


In 10 words from Moses, we glimpse a world where all patterns of human living are grounded in the rule of love. The 10 words given to the people of Israel were intended to direct how people would live with each other and God. These words help us to focus on living lives transformed by God.

This week, reflect on which of the 10 commandments are essential to God’s vision for your life today. Make a list of specific ways you can live that vision. 

Holy God,
immerse us in the
river of your word and ways
and carry us on a journey of growth
as a community of your people.
Increase our resolve
to heed your loving wisdom
and to rejoice in your promise
of new life as we do.

@2020 Seasons of the Spirit
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