Thoughtful Tuesday
Focus Scriptures (click on the scripture to read)
Genesis 33:1-17
John 21:1-19


Take a look at this art piece entitled “Safety Net” by Hannah Garrity

“In the artwork, patterned fish represent the miracle that Jesus performed that morning so many years ago. This miracle coninced the disciples that they must tell the story of Jesus and act ou the love Jesus modeled. This miracle continues to inspire us to contirbute and act as God’s disciples in this critical time for humanity. We are the safety net… money has a lot to do with saving lives .. from government support, to charities, to crowdfunding, to church missions that are the fabric of the net that will catch us all. “

This week, consider how Jesus is inspiring you to be part of the weaving of God’s safety net. Consider giving money to one place that tangibly provides a safety net to some who need it most. (Also be on the lookout for your Stewardship letter and pledge card so you can commit to giving to UCUC in 2021. If you do not receive one by early next week, please email Catherine at

God, your love restores souls.
In my life and community,
I ask that you restore __________.
Fill my story with healing,
and renewed life.
Thank you for breathing in us
new ways of being.