Scripture (click on the scripture to read)
John 17:6-19

Jesus emphasizes the ones chosen by God to follow him. He makes clear that they have been receptive and will carry his message on.

But these disciples live in a world that does not welcome them. They are vulnerable without Jesus’ guidance and protection. It seems Jesus meant for them to hear his prayer.

What do you do when your life falls apart, and the person you depended on is no longer there for you?

Pray God,
our source of light and life,
you lead the way to courage,
kindness, generosity,
and love.
You call us to be your people
and to live in community with one another,
always moving to a place of wholeness.
God, your love makes us whole.
Help us to receive your love
with open hearts,
so that we may become
attuned to your will and way.
We ask that you
strengthen us as your people,
gathered to praise
and serve you.

Adapted from Seasons of the Spirit © 2020 Wood Lake Publishing Inc.
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