Scripture (click on the scripture to read)
1 John 3:1-3
Luke 24:36b-48

Here it is again – another story when Jesus encounters the disciples after the Resurrection and greets them with a word of peace. This encounter, however, doesn’t seem to calm the disciples but stirs them up. When does being a Christ-like peace bearer stir things up?

This week, search the internet about peace bearers. Explore your own sense of call to be a peace bearer. 

Ever-present God,
we desire your transformative spirit
among us.
Yet, we confess
that many times we only stare,
mouths gaping and knees trembling,
at the sight of your miraculous presence.
Forgive us when we stand in disbelief.
Fill us with Christ’s peace,
Peter’s conviction,
and the healed one’s joy
so we may be your witnesses.

Based on Seasons of the Spirit © 2021
Used by permission.
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