Welcome to Wondering Wednesday. You are encouraged to use this as personal devotion and reflection. You are encouraged to hop on the church Facebook page or Instagram page and wonder with others.

Wonder … 

Gather a big glass of water. Now, spend some time considering this verse: “In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.” Mark 1:9Recall your own baptism. Where was it? Who might have been there?  Take a few minutes and read these scriptures, taking a big gulp of water in between each one:Proverbs 8:1-3, 22-31 & Mark 1:4-12

Swirl the water around in your cup. Imagine God is swirling within and around you now. Take a few minutes to sit in God’s presence.PrayHoly God,thank you for movingwithin and around me.Help me to noticeYou at work.


Adapted from A Holy Ground: six-week Creation Care Worship Series from Church in the Wild by Rev. Corey Turnpenny, 2022 at Church in the Wild, Windsor, NY
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