Thoughtful Tuesday
Preparing for Worship
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Focus Scripture
click on scripture to read the text
2 Timothy 2:8-15Consider…
“God’s word cannot be imprisoned” (2 Timothy 2:9b)

The author of 2 Timothy finds himself in prison, but prison cannot confine or keep out the reaches of community. Noting that strength can be derived from the community, the individual, and the relationship the early church had with Christ, the author leans on communal words, drawing from what was probably part of a hymn or creed in the early church. “If we have died together, we will also live together” and “if we are disloyal, [Christ] stays faithful” (2:11b, 13a).

This scripture reminds us that our call to go and build community is grounded in the love of God which heals, nurtures, builds up and is eternally faithful. As such, we have built a community grounded in the love of God here at UCUC. As an Open & Affirming church community, we recognize that to be God’s community ALL (and we really mean all) are welcome and accepted here! So, no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

How might God be calling us to widen our welcome even more?

O God, you are the God who moves.
You move over the waters of 
and bring creation.
You move ahead of us on our journeys
through the wilderness of life.
You moved into the flesh,
and you came to those of us others avoided.
May you move in our hearts as well.
Move us toward compassion.
Move us toward peace.
Move us toward thanksgiving.